Tuesday, February 5, 2008

How do you meet a woman?

Meeting a woman is really very simple. Look her in the eyes, smile and speak. It almost doesn't matter what you say - just speak! Women love for the man to make the first move. We want a signal that he is interested - that he has NOTICED!

It's 2008 but women still are looking for a man to take the lead, it implies to us male strength. It can start with that first approach. Eye contact, smiling, moving over to where she is and speaking - "Have I ever met you before?" "That blue dress makes your eyes look beautiful." " Here we are stuck in this line together so let me introduce myself to you."

JUST DO IT! No lost opportunities -it's just that simple. Walk over and start even the smallest conversation with a woman and she will think you are the best thing ever - that you approached her, turned to her, walked over to her. And she will feel the first glimmer of possibility. She is looking for a man who will understand her and understand her needs. Look, he already has started that by making the first move. Do it with a sense of humor and you've made a fantastic start.

Women are plaqued with the belief that we may not be worthy to be loved. That's why we work so hard in a relationship and give so much - to earn that love. We need to feel that you are the person who will recognize our worth and value us. That is how we feel safe in a relationship. When you make the first move you are saying " I take action. I see you and you look interesting. I want to know more about you. " Sometimes there is magic and sometimes the conversation won't flow and it can be awkward - but so what?

So, guys, forget the rehearsed lines, the clever repartee - what we want is a person that is wonderful to us. Walk across a room to say - "I couldn't let you get away without meeting you."

"Want to know how to meet a woman? Walk over and say hello.

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